Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Mirror's Sinister Activation of a Self Destructive Manifestation

I want to feel this skin tear like cheap fabric,
Revealing the secrets I keep buried under the trivial flesh,
My face is shrouded in shame and filth,
You see only what I allow you to see dear,
Don't think anything other than what I suggest,
My palms are caked in despair and dried blood,
Mouths moving to uncover the hidden desperation,
How did we get here again? You and I have come too far,
But it doesn't matter as your nails break the strings,
It will unfold on top of us and the world will fade,
Unable to tell dreams from the waking world I walk away,
You sit and stare contently as I open you up at the stomach,
Diving deeper than I ever have descended,
Redefining your pain into the realm of corrected falsities,
Picking out the remains from between my teeth,
This would be sad if I wasn't so cut off from emotion,
We have both fallen so far from our pedestals,
Sinking in this blackened water, unsure as to how to swim,
Breathing in the liquid as our own air we let go of everything,
Your hand falls from mine and I'm left with the silver,
My hand is severed and your left with the world at your finger tips,
Picking the scabs and digging into the wounds,
I forget what true pain feels like wallowing in my own self pity,
I need to remove this mask so you can see,
Forgiving my actions as I take your final breath away from you.
I would be sorry for the way it turned out,
But I forget what it is to be human.

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